Monday, April 14, 2014

Friday, April 11, 2014

My favorite time of the day

I hope she had a good day.  It's been a tough first week for her but she made it and I am so proud!

Things change quick......

So in the past month I've quit my job, started a consulting company, have (2) two clients (crazy right!) and just found out that we are for sure moving with in the next 4 weeks!  Plus her royal highness moved from the school that we all loved but is 30 miles away to a band new school that we don't know much about but it 90 seconds away.

Good thing - we all do better with a little "chaos" and we knew this move was coming it was just a matte of when.  I've actually been packing since almost October - crazy.  Now the time has come to really buckle down and do the little things that we just didn't want to do - paint the trim, put transition strips in - basically finish all the projects that we started over the past 8 years and just didn't want to finish :)

Cleaning up this house to move is bittersweet - we've been here for 8 years.  We brought the little one home here, we grew up here.  Now we've moved ALOT - this is the frist time since I left home that I felt like I was honestly leaving a part of me, a part of me that won't come back, a part of me that can't.

Was talking with her royal highness the other night and she decided that she just wanted to go back to her old school.  I explained that you can't go backwards, you just can't.  As much as I want to put her back in my tummy as much as I want to go back home and have the change to be a kid again, once you leave places like that you just can't go back- the only place you can always go back to is home.  In her 5 1/2 years of wisdom she said - but momma we are leaving home, how will we come back?  I tried to explain that as long as the three of us are together we will always be home, and that even though this is her true home, the place she was born and grew up for her wise old 5 years, she can always go back to our hometown (which is no where near here).

I am not sure if she gets it right now, but I hope that she does.  I hope that we all get it (the three of us) and I think that we do in our own ways - I can't go back to the person I was 8 years ago, but I can make sure that a better version of me, a better version of our family goes forward.

A piece of me will always be here, in this house, at my old job, at her old schools, however a new piece of me, a piece of us is getting ready to hit the open road for a new adventure and I am thrilled to be able to do it with my one and only but through the eyes of her royal highness as well.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

That darn leprechaun

A few years ago, on a whim, I spent the majority of St Patricks day dying random stuff green and blaming it on that "darn leprechaun"... Well what was fun for me was H.y.s.t.e.r.i.c.a.l for her and every year she asks when the leprechaun is coming back... Which of course makes St. Patricks day that much more fun.  This morning we woke up and found green milk, green ranch dressing, green whip cream, and even two green eggs.... It's been great.

She keeps creeping around the house to see if she can find him and wants to check other thing to see if they are green as well.... I'm going to try to make a Green only dinner tonight... We'll see.....

Friday, March 14, 2014

It's Field Trip Day!

I love field trip days. Spending the day with the little one and her class is always fun.. They are hysterical!  Plus today we are going to the Train Station which is one of my favorite places.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

It all started because she wanted to go to the "jumping house"

... and then we had a trampoline.  The three of us went to acquire it together and spent the afternoon building it.  

From the time the mat was pulled I couldn't get her off of it - she loved it.  With in a few hours our neighbors were there and we had one of the best Sunday afternoon/evenings that we've had in a while.  This is the season for sleepy Monday mornings and we definitely fulfilled that this weekend.

Never did I think that a trampoline would turn into such a family affair, but it did and it was nice.  It is nice that the three of us are finding more things that we can do together, the older she gets the easier it is for her to help with building things like trampolines, which makes it more of a family activity.  A few years ago, I would've been chasing her around while he tried to build it by himself - which never would've worked.

We are all growing up a little more everyday, and even though it scary and goes by so fast - it really is nice to be part of.

This morning she was so tired - said that her whole body hurt - fell sound asleep on the way to school drooling and snoring, but I bet that this afternoon she'll be right back out there until its time to come in :)