Sunday, March 16, 2014

That darn leprechaun

A few years ago, on a whim, I spent the majority of St Patricks day dying random stuff green and blaming it on that "darn leprechaun"... Well what was fun for me was H.y.s.t.e.r.i.c.a.l for her and every year she asks when the leprechaun is coming back... Which of course makes St. Patricks day that much more fun.  This morning we woke up and found green milk, green ranch dressing, green whip cream, and even two green eggs.... It's been great.

She keeps creeping around the house to see if she can find him and wants to check other thing to see if they are green as well.... I'm going to try to make a Green only dinner tonight... We'll see.....

Friday, March 14, 2014

It's Field Trip Day!

I love field trip days. Spending the day with the little one and her class is always fun.. They are hysterical!  Plus today we are going to the Train Station which is one of my favorite places.  

Monday, March 10, 2014

It all started because she wanted to go to the "jumping house"

... and then we had a trampoline.  The three of us went to acquire it together and spent the afternoon building it.  

From the time the mat was pulled I couldn't get her off of it - she loved it.  With in a few hours our neighbors were there and we had one of the best Sunday afternoon/evenings that we've had in a while.  This is the season for sleepy Monday mornings and we definitely fulfilled that this weekend.

Never did I think that a trampoline would turn into such a family affair, but it did and it was nice.  It is nice that the three of us are finding more things that we can do together, the older she gets the easier it is for her to help with building things like trampolines, which makes it more of a family activity.  A few years ago, I would've been chasing her around while he tried to build it by himself - which never would've worked.

We are all growing up a little more everyday, and even though it scary and goes by so fast - it really is nice to be part of.

This morning she was so tired - said that her whole body hurt - fell sound asleep on the way to school drooling and snoring, but I bet that this afternoon she'll be right back out there until its time to come in :)